Internationale Publikationen, peer-reviewed:

10.) Kobler, A., Humblet, Y., Geudens, K. & Eens, M. (2012) Period-dependent sex-biased movement in a polygamous stream fish (Cottus perifretum Freyhof, Kottelat & Nolte, 2005 – Actinopterygii, Cottidae) with male parental care. Hydrobiologia 693, 195-204

9.) Kobler, A., Humblet, Y., Knaepkens, G., Engelen, B. & Eens, M. (2012) Diel movement of bullhead (Cottus perifretum) in a lowland stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 21, 453-460

8.) Klefoth, T., Kobler, A. & Arlinghaus, R. (2011) Behavioural and fitness consequences of direct and indirect non-lethal disturbances in a catch-and-release northern pike (Esox lucius) fishery. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 403 (article 11)

7.) Kobler, A., Maes, G.E., Humblet, Y., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Eens, M. (2011) Temperament traits and microhabitat use in bullhead, Cottus perifretum: fish associated with complex habitats are less aggressive. Behaviour, 148, 603-625

6.) Kobler, A., Klefoth, T., Mehner, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2009) Coexistence of behavioural types in an aquatic top predator: a response to resource limitation? Oecologia, 161, 837-847

5.) Kobler, A., Engelen, B., Knaepkens, G. & Eens, M. (2009) Temperament in bullheads: do laboratory and field explorative behaviour variables correlate? Naturwissenschaften, 96, 1229-1233

4.) Kobler, A., Klefoth, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008) Site-fidelity and seasonal changes in activity centre size of female pike Esox lucius L. in a small lake. Journal of Fish Biology, 73, 584-596

3.) Kobler, A., Klefoth, T., Wolter, C., Fredrich, F. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008) Contrasting pike (Esox lucius L.) movement and habitat choice between summer and winter in a small lake. Hydrobiologia, 601, 17-27

2.) Klefoth, T., Kobler, A. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008) The impact of catch-and-release angling on short-term behaviour and habitat choice of northern pike (Esox lucius L.). Hydrobiologia, 601, 99-110

1.) Arlinghaus, R., Klefoth, T., Kobler, A. & Cooke, S.J. (2008) Size selectivity, injury, handling time, and determinants of initial hooking mortality in recreational angling for northern pike: the influence of type and size of bait. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 28, 123-134

Nationale Publikationen, peer-reviewed:

Raeymaekers, J.A.M., De Gelas, K., Kobler, A., Larmuseau, M.H.D., Maes, G.E., Van Houdt, J.K.J., Van Neer, W., Volckaert, F.A.M. (2011) Genetisch onderzoek van zoetwatervissen ten dienste van het natuurbeheer. Levende Natuur, 112, 60-65

Humblet, Y., Kobler, A., Pinxten, R. & Eens, M. (2010) Tien jaar onderzoek naar de bedreigde rivierdonderpad (Cottus perifretum) in Vlaanderen, met bijzondere aandacht voor de Laarse Beek. ANTenne, een magazine van ANKONA, Antwerpen, Januari-Maart 4 (1), 12-18


Kobler, A., Maes, G.E., Volckaert, F.A.M. & Eens, M. (2012) Study of individual differences in movement and habitat use in a stream fish: integrating behavioural, ecological and genetic information. Seminar on Ecological and Evolutionary Research, Department Biology, University of Antwerp, 17 February 2012

Kobler, A., Humblet, Y., Vanwetswinkel, S. Geudens, K. & Eens, M. (2010) Intra-population heterogeneity in stream fish movement and habiat use: is there a link to individual temperament? Seminar on Ecological and Evolutionary Research, Department Biology, University of Antwerp, 8 January 2010

Kobler, A., Klefoth, T., Mehner, T., Eens, M. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008) Distinct behavioural types in freshwater fish populations: a field study in pike (Esox lucius) and a project in bullhead (Cottus perifretum). Graduate meeting of the German Zoological Society, Subject group Ecology, Ecological research base Griethersbusch, Germany, 6-9 March 2008

Kobler, A., Klefoth, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2007) Distinct behavioural strategies in a lentic pike (Esox lucius L.) population. 7th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe, Silkeborg, Denmark, 17-21 June 2007

Klefoth, T., Kobler, A., Arlinghaus, R. & Cooke, S. (2007) Behaviour of pike (Esox lucius L.) in response to angler-induced disturbance in a catch-and-release fishery in Lake Kleiner Döllnsee. 7th Conference on Fish Telemetry held in Europe, Silkeborg, Denmark, 17-21 June 2007

Klefoth, T., Kobler, A. & Arlinghaus, R. (2006) Do pike modify behaviour in response to human-induced predation risk in a catch and release fishery. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, USA

Posterpräsentationen bei Konferenzen:

Triantafyllidis, A., Kobler, A., Maes, G.E., Van Geystelen, A., Hellemans, B., Nolte, A.W., Eens, M., Volckaert, F.A.M. (2011) Bioinformatic development and validation of candidate genes for personality traits in a small benthic fish, Cottus perifretum. FWO 6th International Symposium – Eco Evolutionary Dynamics, University of Leuven, January 2011

Kobler, A., Maes G.E., Triantafyllidis, A., Hellemans, B., Nolte, A.W., Eens, M., Volckaert, F.A.M. (2010) Is there a genetic basis for between-individual differences in stream fish (Cottus perifretum) movement range? CAnMove Symposium – Genetics of migration, Centre for Animal Movement, Lund University, 6 December 2010

Kobler, A., Klefoth, T., Mehner, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2009) Coexistence of behavioural types in an aquatic top predator: a response to resource limitation? International Conference on Evolutionary Ecology of Fishes: Diversification, Adaptation and Speciation, Berlin, Germany, 23-25 November 2009

Kobler, A., Klefoth, T., Mehner, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008) Coexistence of distinct behavioural types in an aquatic top predator (northern pike): a response to resource limitation? 4th European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Dijon, France, 18-20 July 2008


Katia Geudens, Master Thesis: De invloed van biotische en abiotische factoren op het verplaatsingsgedrag van de rivierdonderpad (Cottus perifretum). Een telemetrische studie in de Laarse Beek, Vlaanderen. 2009. University of Antwerp, Department Biology-Ethology, Wilrijk (Antwerpen), Belgium

Sofie Vanwetswinkel, Master Thesis: Invloed van persoonlijkheid op het verplaatsingsgedrad van de rivierdonderpad (Cottus perifretum) in de Laarse Beek. 2009. University of Antwerp, Department Biology-Ethology, Wilrijk (Antwerpen), Belgium

Yves Humblet, Master Thesis: Habitatkeuze, home range en plaatstrouw bij de rivierdonderpad (Cottus perifretum): een telemetrische studie in de Laarse Beek, Vlaanderen. 2009. University of Antwerp, Department Biology-Ethology, Wilrijk (Antwerpen), Belgium

Dimitri Geelhand, Individual Project: Invloed van persoonlijkheidskenmerken op het verplaatsingsgedrag van de rivierdonderpad (Cottus perifretum). 2009. University of Antwerp, Department Biology-Ethology, Wilrijk (Antwerpen), Belgium

Referee jobs:

AFS Books (World Recreational Fisheries Conference, Florida, 2008)

Aquatic Living Resources

Behavioral Ecology

Ecology of Freshwater Fishes

Environmental Biology of Fishes


Fisheries Management and Ecology (2)

Folia Zoologica


Wissenschaftliche Artikel in nichtwissenschaftlicher Presse:

Kobler, A. (2011) Baanbrekend Duits snoekonderzoek: Over gedragsverschillen gesproken. Monkey Climber magazine 1, Winter 2011.

Arlinghaus, R., Klefoth, T. & Kobler, A. (2010) Lauer-Räubern auf der Spur. Fisch & Fang 51 (6): 104-107

Arlinghaus, R., Klefoth, T. & Kobler, A. (2009) Köder Studien. Der Raubfisch 5: 58-61.

Kobler, A. & Arlinghaus, R. (2009) Boilie versus Tigernuss: Ein Vergleich mit Chancengleichheit. Carp Connect 39: 34-38

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